
What Are The Different Types Of Corporate Communication?


Corporate communication services are an important aspect of business, and in definition, it is the way in which the company interacts with all its stakeholders, whether they are internal entities such as employees, shareholders etc or external entities such as […]

Corporate communication services are an important aspect of business, and in definition, it is the way in which the company interacts with all its stakeholders, whether they are internal entities such as employees, shareholders etc or external entities such as customers, potential customers, influencers. 

Yes, there are essentially two different types of corporate communication; internal and external.

Internal communications deal with interactions within the company or business, between employees, executives, managers, the board of Directors, shareholders etc, and effective communications are important for a smooth running of a business. The types of communications involved with internal interactions can be between a manager and an employee, the Board and the managers, and can involve either many people or a just a few. It can be done in either a formal or informal manner, depending on the specific communication or situation. Effective internal communications are an important aspect when it comes to the growth of a business, and to make all stakeholders in the business aware of the goals and objectives as well as to foster teamwork and togetherness, so that everyone works towards achieving these, as one well-oiled machine.

External communications define how the company or brand presents itself and is perceived by the outside world. External communications should be managed and handled by a professional who has the right experience and expertise in the subject matter, such as a well reputed PR Agency in Sri Lanka, because even a small mishandling of communications of this type can affect the business in a huge way. External corporate communications can include such aspects as the business’ annual reports, its website, its social media presence, blogs, promotional items, printed matter, newsletters, case studies and so much more, and all of these have a huge impact on the brand image and reputation of the business.

So, why is effective corporate communication such an important aspect of business?

  • Helps during crisis management – Crisis situations can arise at any moment in a business, and this is why professionals are always on the alert and ready to handle such situations in an effective manner as soon as they arise. Internal communication in such instances help keep everyone in the company informed about the situation and on the same page regarding the crisis, and external communications can help the business to convey the right message to their audience, their customers and the general public. It helps the business to be transparent during a crisis situation while still showing that they are taking every measure to rectify it, while at the same time building trust in the brand both among its internal stakeholders and the external world.
  • Improves collaboration and teamwork – Effective communications are paramount in the task of improving collaborations between teams in the business, and for fostering greater teamwork. The object of a business is that everyone works towards achieving its goals, and this will not happen if teams don’t cooperate with each other during operations. Communications help the senior management to create a positive environment between workers and teams, in a tactful and efficient manner.
  • Helps business to grow their audience – Effective and creative external communications can help grow a company’s audience and reach, meaning that they gain greater brand awareness and visibility in the process. Such communications not only appeal to the public, but will also be shared by them, meaning that you gain an incredible reach. It is however, important to remember that the same will be true in terms of negative publicity, so brands and businesses need to be aware of their communications strategies at all times. 
  • Ignites innovation – Innovation is vital for the survival of any business, and this is where effective corporate communication services come in, to channel innovation and innovative ideas from the employees and the business as a whole.
  • Attracts high end talent – If you have a good communication strategy in place, your business will attract the best of the best, meaning that you will be in demand to the most eligible, high end talent out there. Without good talent working with you, a business will not go anywhere.

As you can see, effective communication is important for both the internal working of a business as well as to create the ideal perceptions regarding the brand in the minds of its customers and the general public (or the potential customers out there). For this it is important that you have the backing of a good PR Agency in Sri Lanka who is well experienced in corporate communication services. 

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